
Divava Okavango Restaurant

Restaurants "International cuisine and wines"

Divava Restaurant is open to Day Visitors and invites you to our beautiful setting, either  dining in the luxurious dining hall or relaxing outside on the deck with a stunning view of the River.

The elegant restaurant serves international cuisine and wines. On most evenings, a 5-course

Divava Restaurant is open to Day Visitors and invites you to our beautiful setting, either  dining in the luxurious dining hall or relaxing outside on the deck with a stunning view of the River.

The elegant restaurant serves international cuisine and wines. On most evenings, a 5-course dinner is served.


Each dinner, there is a special selected menu, with two different options for the main course. If you are a vegetarian, please notify us in advance. We will then prepare a separate menu for you.

On occasions, the 5-course dinner is replaced by a rich buffet.


Daily we serve a light ‘A la cart’ menu for lunch.


Breakfast is served as a buffet, warm dishes can be ordered from the Kitchen.

Please do your Reservations 2-3 days before arrival, especially for groups of more than 4 people.


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Divava Okavango Restaurant's official website


Booking Enquiry
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Trade Enquiry
for STO Rates

SADC Resident Rates
SADC passport holders


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